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7 Major Causes of Sensitive Teeth

Teeth sensitivity is a condition caused by the exposure of dentin. This happens when the gums pull back or the enamel becomes too thin due corrosion. Exposed roots, a cracked or chipped tooth or a cavity can cause tooth sensitivity. The sensitivity is a protection response of the nerves. The pain caused can be minor or severe depending on the severity of the issue at hand. Taking good care of our teeth and seeking good dental care can help prevent teeth sensitivity.

What causes sensitive teeth?

Brushing with too much force…

Brushing too hard with excessive force may wear out the hard surface of the tooth called enamel. When the enamel is worn the dentin may eventually be exposed. Dentin is the hard, dense bony tissue which forms the bulk of the tooth beneath the enamel. Once the dentin is exposed, sensitivity may be inevitable. Brushing with force can also harm the gums causing inflammation and bleeding. The gums become sensitive exposing the roots. When exposed, the roots produce sensitivity of the teeth as well.

Gum disease…

Gum disease occurs if you do not take good care of your gums. Gum disease inflames and weakens the gums. The gums become sensitive and expose the underlying gums. Exposure of the underlying gums increases the sensitivity of the teeth.

Grinding your teeth…

7 Major Causes of Sensitive Teeth

Grinding the teeth is an unhealthy dental habit. Grinding wears down the enamel, which eventually exposes the dentin.

Having acidic drinks…

Acidic drink erodes the enamel. With time as the enamel erodes, the dentin is exposed, causing tooth sensitivity.

Build Up of plaque…

Plaque builds up around your teeth when you eat. Excessive accumulation of plaque can also erode the tooth enamel. Once again, the enamel erosion exposes the dentin, causing sensitivity. Use dental floss to remove the plaque. A regular visit to the dentist for regular cleaning and check up is essential to maintain good overall oral health.

Gums that recede…

At times, the gums can naturally shrink/recede exposing the roots. Since the roots have no protection, they make the teeth sensitive causing you a lot of pain.

A cracked tooth…

When a tooth is cracked, chewing sugary foods or drinking very cold or hot beverages may cause sensitivity on a broken tooth. The food particles or the drink can slip down the broken tooth to the root which may cause pain and sensitivity.

Avoiding sensitive teeth…

Tooth sensitivity can be easily avoided.
*try to avoid drinking hot, cold or acidic drinks
*try brushing your teeth with warm water
*avoid sugary foods

7 Major Causes of Sensitive Teeth

Changing your toothbrush every two months is a very good idea. As well, using toothpaste for sensitive teeth is also helpful in reducing tooth sensitivity. Frequent use of mouthwash may increase tooth sensitivity due to the high acidity levels. Try to use other breath fresheners and brush your teeth after every meal.

Along with this, you should visit your dentist regularly for regular cleaning and dental check ups to help maintain good dental health. The dentist can also recommend possible solutions or medication to help reduce or treat the sensitivity based on what work on your best. Visit or call Springdale Dental Centre today and start your journey to a health smile and great teeth.